I am a Quantity Surveyor by profession, and a part time online seller since 2008.

I do online business as part of my passion towards entrepreneurship, where I learnt a great deal on how to close sale and interact with possible buyer. Most of the items sold in this store are part of my passion (and my wife’s) so we can together share the same passion (and hobby) with the buyer.

I appreciate you as our buyer, and I’ll do promotion from time to time. So please like our Facebook page to get the latest promo and do visit us again.

I will be here as long as there is demand, and we (with my wife) are nobody without your support.
I can be reached via email ( or HP (01115484137 – I prefer text messaging) should you have any enquiry about my product. My location is in Desa Bukit Indah, Sg Buloh, Selangor.

Please feel safe to shop here and all of our transaction are recorded in the event of disputes.